29 Aug 2012

And they cut me to ribbons and taught me to drive.

Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #56 is now available and includes my story Better Phones.
ASIM #56 is a big one, marking ten years of publication. If you've never read ASIM before, this is the issue to check out. I know what you're thinking - ASIM is an Australian magazine, which means super expensive postage for you lot in the northern hemisphere. But fear not! You can snag an epub subscription for cheap here. Or if you just want the single issue, get on over to Wizard's Tower Books.

I've been running for a few years now. The paths that Kerry and the other runners take is just round the road from my house. Come and visit and we can run it together. I don't run fast, but if the sun's out, it's a great way to spend some time. Be warned, my running playlist has been known to be include folk music and Fleetwood Mac. But for the last six months it's just been Gaslight Anthem. I can't not move when I hear these guys.

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