24 Apr 2010

Sir Julius Vogel Awards

The final ballot for the Sir Julius Vogel awards was released today and includes my story 'The Living Dead Boy'. Of course I'm thrilled. Thank you to everyone who voted.

But that's not what I wanted to talk about. Go and take a look at the ballot. I'll wait.

Seriously, how good is that ballot? Great to see Paul Haines there. I still think 'Wives' should have been on the Hugo ballot. He's in the short story and collected work category as well.

Andromeda Spaceways has always featured prominently in the SJVs and does again this year, with three nominations across novella and short story (mine included). But it's interesting to see other magazines featured as well. I think nods for  Kevin Veale's Twisted from Weird Tales and Simon Petrie's Downdraft from Sybil's Garage in particular might gain the awards some notice from overseas.

Voyagers contained some of the best poetry I've read in a long time. If you haven't read it, check it out now.

Dan Rabarts' excellent article on Hugh Cook is there. More, Hugh is up for an award himself, for services to SF, Fantasy and Horror. But so is NZ Spec Fic blogging week, run by Anna Caro and the specficnz team, many of whom are included in other categories. And Semaphore Magazine!

...I could go on, but I won't. It's great to see NZ spec fic in such rude health. And I'm proud to be in such excellent company.


Matt said...

Congratulations and good luck :-)

Simon Petrie said...

Agreed, the shortlist looks very healthy this year - it's great to see so many categories with the full complement of five, or more, entrants.
And let's face it, where else would you get to see an awards showdown featuring both Paul Haines and Margaret Mahy (in the same category)?
Best of luck. 'The Living Dead Boy' is a ripper little story!