7 Sept 2009


On September 16, StarShipSofa Aural Delights is 100. OK, I work behind the scenes on the sofa, so I'm biased, but I believe it's one of the best fiction podcasts in the Multiverse.

To celebrate the century, Starship Sofa Stories Volume 1. A free PDF will be available to download, along with a POD dead tree version. All proceeds from the book and donations will go to keeping the Sofa's rusty old engine in WD-40.

The table of contents is fairly impressive and a great collection of the best stories the Sofa has run:

StarShipSofa Stories Volume 1
Into The Blank Where Life Is HurledKen Scholes
London BoneMichael Moorcock
The Second Coming Of Jasmine FitzgeraldPeter Watts
Lester Young and The Jupiter's Moons' BluesGord Sellar
Vampire's KissGene Wolfe
Vinegar Peace (or The Wrong-Way Used-Adult Orphanage)Michael Bishop
Godzilla's 12 Step ProgramJoe R Lansdale
Jesus Christ, ReanimatorKen MacLeod
The Sledge-Maker's DaughterAlastair Reynolds
Mars: A Traveler's GuideRuth Nestvold
The Empire of Ice CreamJeffrey Ford
The Ant King: A California FairytaleBenjamin Rosebaum
In The Olden DaysSpider Robinson
TidelineElizabeth Bear

Stay tuned and keep watching the skies for that furniture-shaped ship. Who knows what tales yet lurk beneath its cushions...

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